Tired of wishing you had more time to get it all done? Your to-do list is a mile long, and it’s all you can do to get clients managed, market, and try to get hot, healthy food on the table. Much less, find time to find focus, meditate and steal a few minutes for your sanity.
Welcome to the Time Dojo where you are going to learn who you are in relation to time, how YOU best function and how to create time in the day so you can finally experience and live in the FLOW you crave…without the stress, struggle and overwhelm.
So who am I?
I am Sheila Hawkins, Personal Productivity Alchemist. Since 2001, I’ve been helping women come to grips with their relationship with time. My holistic approach to creating time is tailored to your needs, personally, because there is simply no one-size-fits-all solution for getting things done.
Your struggle with time impacts your bottom line and I am here to help you change it.
So whether you’re a free, fun-loving, spirited Wild Child who just can’t stop chasing those BSO’s (AKA Bright Shiny Objects), The Sergeant who likes to stay large and in charge by having control and no down time planned for yourself or the laid back, low key Ms. Easy Breezy with a disturbingly high level of patience, there is a way to help you stop feeling crushed by the pressure of time so you can end your days IN FLOW and having gotten everything you need to get done, done.
And I will guide you to that way.
“Doing things within my own energetic alignment”
“Sheila really helped me look at how I work/plan/flow my day. I would feel guilty what I wasn’t getting as much done as I felt I could, and looked at other “Get it done gals” who were super diligent and uber scheduled. I don’t work my life that way and simply could not force myself to do it. I realized there is a better way for me to do this, still be inflow and get ‘er done and strop trying to force things! It was nice to have Sheila reiterate this back to me and have her support me in doing things within my own energetic alignment.”
The Ripple Effect: How Subpar Productivity Affects Your Life and Well-Being
In my previous post, we examined how poor productivity can have debilitating effects on businesses. But what about its impact on your personal life? Low productivity is silently robbing you of joy, peace, and even well-being. Emotional Well-Being A sense of...
The True Costs of Poor Productivity
Lack of productivity comes at a cost, and the longer it goes unaddressed, the greater the costs.
Letting go of all the shiny things
We both know that you’ve got things that take up your time that shouldn’t. At the top of the list of culprits are those time sucking BSOs (Bright shiny objects). They’re notorious for leading you astray every day, all day. You know how it is…you’re working on...