The way you start each day sets the tone for it, and likewise, the way you start your year sets the tone for the months ahead. What you have to determine is how you want your year to be and set the stage accordingly. How do you want your year to start? What are you creating in the coming year? Don’t let the way the last year started or ended up discourage you and above all, don’t beat yourself up about the things that you didn’t accomplish. Acknowledge the experience, what you learned from it and let it go so that you can move on.

Create the space you want to live from this coming year and fill it with what you need to move into and through it. Create your goals from the space of the experiences you want to have this year then get focused, commit to them and determine how you’re going to move forward. Start the year with focus and preparation. Sadly, only 8% of people actually achieve what they aim for every year. One reason they do is because of the tone they set at the beginning of it all.

The first 100 days of the year is a crucial period and your entire year rides on it. If you don’t prepare and set the tone and the stage for your year, what’s it going to look like? Will you be well on your way to the income that you want to make this year or another goal that you’ve set or will you be feeling like you didn’t get started right and wanting a do-over and have an excuse for why you haven’t started to forge the path toward the summit?

Excuses and regret aren’t going to cut it so it’s time to stop making them and let them go. Map out your first 100 days of the new year, make the commitment and dive in so deep that you can’t help but get the results you want. If you’ve never done this before, now is the time to start. If you want different results, you’ve got to do something different and take on new ways of being. Before you move on to something else, break out a pad of paper and take 10 minutes to think about what you want to create for the coming year; the experiences you want to have and how that might look. Then you’ll have a place to create your goals from. What will the first 100 days of 2016 look like for you?


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