26709126 Year 2016 is ComingWhat I see on a regular basis is women going through their days fed up, stressed out and pressed for time. Many people were experiencing that frustration at the end of the year, and although we’ve crossed over into a new year, the frustration remains. Typically, when you cross over into a new year, you have great aspirations and big goals you want to accomplish, but there’s this thing that keeps you from it, making it take even longer for you to get from point A to point B.

Being caught up in all there is to do doesn’t help your quest and it doesn’t line up with the energy of having a nice, fresh new year to dive into. You’re being pulled in multiple directions, you have no idea where your time is going and the pressure is on, causing chaotic disorganized days. To make matters worse, your calendar looks like an over-stuffed closet and you have 101 things hanging out in the most dangerous place in the world—your head.

We’re at the start of a new year and if this is the way things are in your world right now it’s time to take the reins. You’ve got an entire year ahead of you, new goals and dreams to follow so now is the time to take the steps to empower yourself. Empowering yourself means learning exactly where your time is going, realizing what things are wasting your time, and knowing what kinds of things are interrupting your flow every day. You can do each of these by tracking your time for about five days. Each day when you start a task, write it down. While you work, keep track of the interruptions you get and how long you work on each thing. Be sure to note the level of importance for the items you work on. It might seem a tedious, but detailing everything you do will give you access to some great information once the five days is up. Once you’re done tracking you do you can see what things are actually getting your time, the kinds of interruptions that come into play and whether or not you’re focusing on the things that will help you accomplish those goals you created. The information you get out of this process is gold because you have to be able to know what’s really going on so you can address the problems.

It’s time for a clean slate and a new way of operating. Take the reins and take control of your days and your year by equipping yourself to have a better day-to-day experience and actually get things done, achieve the goals and dreams you created for this year. Tracking your time is one step in taking the reins. Get your time log here and discover where your time is going.


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