Dart & GoalsWhen it comes to creating goals right from the start people lack clarity. Clarity is everything. Like driving down the road, if you can’t see or if you don’t know where you’re going, you can’t get there. Be very clear about what you want and where you’re going. The “how” isn’t an issue, just get clear and create the vision and experience it. Go beyond seeing it. Hear the things that you would hear inside of the vision you’re creating; the conversations that would take place…experience your vision through all of your senses.

The second reason is making the mistake of making a resolution and confusing it with a goal, or creating goals that are incomplete and doing so from a space that doesn’t give you any power. Resolutions are fine, but they don’t have the muscle to endure the time it will take to see them through and they’re missing a few things. Typically when people create goals they’re not detailed, there’s no way to measure them to see if you’re on track  to reach them or even too far-fetched. They’re not relevant and they have no time assigned to them.

You want to create your goals from a space of power, which means that you have to begin with a much different approach. If you’ve listened to any of my radio shows or read more of my posts, you’ve heard this already, but I’m going to repeat it. Dump what you’ve learned or might have been taught about creating goals and start with your intention. What do you want to create? It might be that what you’ve resolved to do or your resolution is your intention. Then move on to thinking about the experiences you want to have. Once you know what these things are, you can create your goals. This process has you be truly connected to what you create and it empowers you.

Finally, you’re set up to fail due to your lack of commitment. The Law of Commitment governs the manifestation of your goals.  You have to actually want to manifest what you say you want to manifest in order for it to show up.  That sounds pretty obvious, but what you may not realize is that although you say you’re committed to what you want, at times there’s something lurking in the background, behind what you say you’re committed to.  In that space you may find stronger, unconscious commitments that you didn’t know existed.  Start digging to see what you’re really committed to.

Each of these reasons are connected. With clarity you can set your intention, determine experiences and set your goals and then make the commitment necessary to pull it all off. Keep in mind that these are just 3 things to be aware of, the entire process is more involved, but take the steps and get started.


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