ClocksandHourglassBeing The Time Wielder, I’m always looking at how people do things and I’ve seen what the most productive people are in the habit of doing. I’m going to share 5 of those things with you here in this post.

First and foremost, productive people are early risers. These folks can get more done before the work day begins than most people. They seize their day. That early morning time is filled with meditation, exercise, some plan and strategize and some even start working on their top priority. Each of these contribute to their overall productivity and their ability to get things done.

Highly productive people are focused. Because they know their priorities they’re not struggling to figure out what should get their time or what to work on first. They know what matters most. One thing at a time it is easier to manage and complete to a good standard, instead of spreading your efforts over multiple things. Think about hitting a target. If you focus on 5 different points on the target, you aren’t going to hit anything. Prioritize your projects so that you automatically know the priority of the tasks related to each.

Productive people know how to block out the distractions and the interruptions. Setting periods of time during the day when you blocking out everything else works. You don’t have to block things and people out all day every day, but trust me, if you know when and how to do it, it will contribute to ending the day with things completed.

Manage your meetings well. Have your rules about meetings. One of mine is that there must be an agenda, doesn’t have to be written, but I have to know the purpose. I also have to know how long it’s supposed to last. Here’s a secret for you…people don’t always need the amount of time they ask for. A lot of time gets wasted around meetings. Having and sticking to your rules creates a more productive flow, allowing more things to be handled.

This next one is a big one…having rituals or systems in place. Look at the things that you do on a regular basis and find ways to automate the process. Create systems that will support you. First of all, create your time management system. Simply put, a system has three components: tools, processes and people. Determine which tools you need, document the processes and determine who is going to use the tools you designate or perform the tasks that the tools can’t. Set up your systems so that your business can run like a well-oiled machine.

There you have it, 5 things that the most highly productive people do to get it all done. Incorporate them one at a time and you’ll see how well they work to make you more productive.


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