Everybody has goals—things that they want to do or accomplish.  What usually happens is that you get off to a good start with great enthusiasm, moving forward toward what you want, and then, about a month or so into that hot pursuit, you stall.  All of a sudden you aren’t moving forward.  The frustration starts to set in and you don’t know why or what to do next.

Well, the “why” is quite simple.  They reasons “why” are the same reasons that your goals are going to fail—if you don’t make some changes.   There are 5 primary reasons that goals fail and if you’re making these mistakes, you’re probably not going to reach your goals.  Here are those 5 reasons and some solutions to help you make that shift.

Reason 1-You Didn’t Create a Goal

Many times people create what they think are goals, but what they really have are thoughts, words, just whims or something they’ve resolved to do.  Those things are fine and can serve as great catalysts to start your process, but they aren’t goals.  They don’t have the muscle or the staying power that’s necessary.  Solid goals do.

Take whatever it is that you created and run it through the S.M.A.R.T. test:

  • Is it specific?  Does it include all of the fine details?  If not, define the details and describe what you want completely
  • Can you measure the results?  If what you created isn’t measurable in any way, you’re missing a large piece of the puzzle.  If the goal is to increase your income, set an amount so that you can tell how you’re doing at any given point in time and so that you have the end target
  • Is what you created attainable?  Is it realistic; can you do it?  If not, get real.  Create something that  you can attain
  • Next, ask if it’s relevant.  By that I mean is it relevant to your purpose and what you want out of life?  Does it fit?
  • Finally, set the time for what you want to achieve.  You have to have a “by when” date for every goal that you set.  Make them each time-bound.

Reason 2-What you created is not connected to your values

People tend to look at what they want and jump into taking it on before they stop to think about what they’re doing.  When you do that, what happens is that you end up spending a lot of time on things that aren’t really important to you.  Sad to say, on a daily basis, people end up spending the majority of time on things that aren’t important to them.

Before you morph your thoughts, desires, whims, resolutions into goals, stop to think about how whatever that is relates to something that you value.  If it doesn’t, why would you waste time on it?  For instance, someone who values their health may create and set a goal to get fit or to get in better shape.  That goal would be directly in line with one of their values, and because of that, they would be more likely to succeed.  So before you start to create your goals, clarify your personal values.  Then create your goals based upon something that’s important to you.  This way, you spend your time focusing on things that matter to you.

Reason 3- Lack of Commitment

Typically what happens is that people jump in and start that hot pursuit before they’re truly committed themselves to what they’re doing, which is of course one reason why their efforts get stalled after about a month or so.

The Law of Commitment is what governs the manifestation of your goals.  You have to actually want to manifest what you say you want to manifest in order for it to show up.  That sounds pretty obvious, but what you may not realize is that although you say you’re committed to what you want, there’s something lurking in the background, behind what you say you’re committed to.  Behind what you say you’re committed to are stronger, unconscious commitments that you don’t know exist.  Start digging to see what you’re really committed to.  You might be at a point right now where you’re stalled in your efforts when it comes to getting fit.  What you’ve said you’re committed to is your health and well being, but what you might just be committed to is eating whatever you want and being lazy.  Look at how you are actually living your life to see how that contrasts with what you say you’re committed to. Those hidden commitments work against you achieving your goals.

I’ll continue with the 5 reasons in my next post.  In the meantime, if you’re struggling or find your efforts currently stalled, I invite you to check  out my Goal Getter Program to see if it’s a fit for you.

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