We all are in the habit of doing certain things, whether they are good or what’s considered to be bad habits.  Your habits drive your life and are a prime factor in what leads you to being productive or not.  They make the difference when it comes to getting things done.  Whatever you do all the time is what you do best.  If you have a bad habit it’s something that you do best and being good at whatever that is will keep you from your top level of productivity.  Your habits make you who you are.

A habit is defined as “routines of behavior that are repeated regularly, tend to occur subconsciously, without directly thinking consciously about them”.   Think about the things that you do all of the time; the things that you do best.  Take time to answer these questions: Are the majority of those things supporting your productivity or are they hindering your productivity?  What would it look like if your productivity were supported more by your habits?  What would change?  What would be possible?

What habits would you have to change to increase your productivity?  Which of them are you willing to change right now?

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