AccountabilityIt’s really easy to create the plan and all that goes with it, but it’s not a smart move to be the only one holding you accountable, especially if what you’re up to is something that has you stepping into a zone that you haven’t been in before—something that stretches you. Accountability is most often one of the missing pieces. Being accountable means that you alone are liable and answerable for what happens, and for what doesn’t happen. For what you do and for what you don’t do. Without it, getting your desired end results becomes more difficult.

Accountability is a choice; it’s a way of being. Choosing to be accountable means that you identify with what that means and fully accept the responsibility for what happens and for any mishaps along the way without pointing fingers. It’s a personal choice to demonstrate the ownership necessary for achieving exceptional results.
If you’re going to accomplish what you say you want to accomplish, you have to first of all, take responsibility for what you’re up to and take responsibility for your actions. It’s all on you. No one else is responsible for your actions but you. If you think about that for a moment, that’s a pretty big deal, so not something you want to take lightly. You really have to make a mindset shift to stand in that space.

Standing in that space of complete ownership means seeing and then identifying with who it is that you have to be to get the things done that will lead to the outcome that you desire. When you look up at the summit you may realize that the situation calls for you to be an entirely different way. You have to step up your game to rise to the occasion. It also means that you are completely authentic with yourself and with everyone else no matter what comes your way.

Occupying that space means that you are in alignment with who it is you are called to be inside of every moment as well as with what it is you’re setting out to achieve. Think about how difficult you would make your overall task if you weren’t in alignment with it. Without alignment you end up working against your grain.

When you’re up to big things, which I believe all of us should be, you can’t solely rely on yourself for accountability. Ask someone to be your accountability partner. It can a friend, colleague, or it can be your coach. Whomever it is has to be someone who understands who you are, knows what you’re working to achieve and who will hold your feet to the fire no matter what. They also have to be able to put their foot in your rear if need be and trust me, that time will come. This person actually takes on the responsibility of supporting you and making you answer for your actions, or lack thereof. This trusted individual holds you accountable and you step up to the plate and take things on. Being liable to be called on to render an account in answer for your actions.

As you move forward, remember to acknowledge reality and own the reality regardless of what it is. When you hit bumps in the road, find a way to glide over them. When problems arise, create and carry out solutions. Hold the vision for what you want and pave your way to the summit.

If you’re into mobile apps and you need some help with accountability, check out my productivity app In “Do” Time. It supports you throughout the week to help keep you accountable. As of the time of this post, it’s available on Google Play and coming to Apple soon.


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