We all know how valuable time is and that once it’s gone it’s gone for good.  To get the most out of our time we have to manage it well, which can be challenging at times, especially when procrastination comes into play.

We all procrastinate at some point in time for some reason or another, but when it becomes a real problem, it can come to a point when it can take a toll on our lives and keep us from doing what we really want to.  In those cases, there are indicators that let us know whether or not we have a real problem with procrastination.  So let’s take  a look…

  • Are you unrealistic about time and lose track of how you spend it?
  • Do you have vague goals; not clear about what you want?
  • Does fear come into play for you? (afraid of making mistakes, imperfection or being judged, rejection, or success)
  • Do you feel as though you don’t have any control?
  • Is your to-do list endless or have you feeling overwhelmed?

If any of these are true for you, you might be a procrastinator and that you’re paying the cost.  Your productivity is low, you’re missing deadlines and feeling the stress, pressure and anxiety that goes along with all of  that.

So how do you put an end to procrastination?  Know first that it’s a process that involves getting control of managing your time, facing your fears and establishing new habits.  I’ll share the process over the next few posts.  Stay tuned!

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