Create Goals That Set You On Fire

I know that many of you are familiar with this scenario…you set your goals, you take off and you’re sprinting as fast as you can toward that goal. You’re pushing forward, taking long strides and push past the things that come up. You’re completely focused on where...

Boost Your Productivity With Meditation

Some see mediation as contemplation or reflection, but meditation is much more than this. It’s a state of thoughtless awareness and of deep peace. That state occurs when your mind is silent, but completely alert. It’s not something that you do, but rather a way of...

The Role of Personality in Productivity

Even if you don’t know much about me, if you’ve been to my website or blog you know that I have a totally different approach when it comes to productivity. I don’t see time as everyone else does, or as we were all taught to view it. For years I have seen that...

Creating Freedom & Flexibility In Your Business

One reason most solopreneurs start their own business is because they want freedom and flexibility.  They want to be able to run the show and at the same time be able to take time off when they choose for fun and family.  This sounds ideal and it can be, but one big...

7 Ways To Add More Time To Your Day

We all know that there is really isn’t a way for us to get more time in our day, but so many times you’ve wised for it. The magic number is 1,440. That’s the number of minutes we get in every day. How we invest it is what makes a different. As much...
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