by Hawkins | Jun 30, 2014 | General, Goal Setting
It’s time to talk about your mid-year report card. You might not want to approach the topic at all because you know that you’re nowhere near where you want to be by this point in the year, but it’s necessary. You can’t get where you want to go without looking at...
by Hawkins | Jun 28, 2014 | General, Productivity
Do you have a to-do list? If so, is it an active, effective one? I’m not talking about a list that has all kinds of things piled on it, some things done, maybe crossed off; others just there. I don’t mean a list that things have been on for so long you might not even...
by Hawkins | Jun 26, 2014 | General, Productivity
Typically business owners don’t think about getting their business in order, which is unfortunate because in order to run a successful business, you have to be organized. For ultimate success, a business should run like a well-oiled machine. There is no way around...
by Hawkins | Jun 23, 2014 | General, Habits
Being The Time Wielder, I’m always looking at how people do things and I’ve seen what the most productive people are in the habit of doing. I’m going to share 5 of those things with you here in this post. First and foremost, productive people are early risers. These...
by Hawkins | Jun 19, 2014 | General, Productivity
Yes, that’s right…this blog post is about making time for you. I know for so many of you it’s a big challenge. I know that 99.9% of my readers are women and if you’re like most, your plate is more than full. There are a lot of things that get onto...