Sharpen The Saw

Stephen Covey’s 7th habit is Sharpen The Saw. Doing so means engaging carefully in selected recreational activities that offer you the opportunity for self-renewal so that you can regain your “production capability”. Time off, time away and regular...

One Way To Get More Done In Less Time

I know that you’ve probably had the experience of setting aside time to do things and found that somehow, it always takes the exact amount of time that you set aside to complete a task.  This is known as Parkinson’s Law. The amount of time that one has to...

Make Monday Productive: Plan Ahead

Some times it’s hard to push through a Friday knowing what’s ahead for the weekend…the fun times you’ve got planned with family and friends or just the down time that you’ve been looking forward to having to yourself. Thinking ahead to...


Covey’s sixth habit is “Synergize”. Synergizing makes magic happen. There’s something to be said for working in collaboration with others, be it with your team or fellow business owners. When your mind is open enough to exploring new things,...

How Food Impacts Productivity

Everyone has days where there energy seems to be nonexistent. When your energy is low, it impacts productivity. Some people will rely on caffeine or the highly popular, not so healthy energy drinks to get them through the day, which is never a good way to go. If...
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