Habit 1-Be ProactiveYou’re probably familiar with Stephen Covey’s first habit, “Be Proactive”. Being proactive means taking responsibility for every aspect of your life.  As hard as that might be, it means being responsible for how everything looks right now, including your lack of productivity and organization. The reason for your space being disorganized and contributing to your lower level of productivity is irrelevant inside of taking responsibility. What’s important is that you own up to it. That’s the first step in shifting gears to change things.

When you’re proactive, you control your environment and your circumstances instead of having them control you. Once you do, the initiative and taking action will then follow and you go from being challenged when it comes to being productive and not being in control, to having command over your space and your circumstances. Being proactive helps put you back in the driver’s seat. From that place you determine what happens, not anyone else. From the driver’s seat your life doesn’t just happen to you; you make it happen. Start this week off by choosing to be proactive and watch the shift begin for you.


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