Beating Procrastination
April is Procrastination Awareness month, so this month I'll be focusing on things that will help you beat procrastination. Procrastination can be a real problem and can have a big impact on your business and your life if it's not remedied. We all put things off from...
The Thief of Time
If you know me or know how I work, you know that I believe that when it comes to time management, it’s personal. When it comes to managing your time, you have to consider how your personality plays into or contributes to it. When it comes to procrastination, the...
Making Time
Time! There never seems to be enough of it to get in all of the things we want or need to do. That’s the thought or conclusion on everyone’s mind. Well, here’s a news flash for you…YOU AREN’T GOING TO GET ANY MORE TIME! What you have is what you get. That’s it; no...
End of the First Quarter-Are You In Possession of the Ball?
The end of March is upon us and it’s also the end of the first quarter. Time is flying by so quickly it can literally make your head spin. At this point with three months of the year gone, it’s time to see where you are. Are you in possession of the ball? In football,...
Productivity Chat
[View the story "Productivity Chat" on Storify]Productivity ChatMarch 17th Chat HighlightStorified by Sheila Hawkins· Sun, Mar 17 2013 16:03:20Are you focused for the coming week?Ready to get focused for the coming week and get to-dos & calendar in order?...
Are You Always Late?
You might only be 5 minutes late, but late is late. Period! If you are among the punctually challenged, you’re not by yourself. 15-20% of people in the United States are challenged with getting from point A to point B on time and it affects all types of people. ...