Spring Cleaning Your Calendar & To-Do List

Included in the non-supportive habits that I encounter with clients, is the habit of dumping things onto to-do lists and calendars. What happens is things come to mind that have to be done or added to your calendar and you cram them in without even thinking about...

How Clutter Impacts Your Health

Most people think that clutter is just what they see before them, but one truth about clutter is that there is much more to it than meets the eye.  Clutter always stems from something within and many times, is related to your physical health. Clutter can be a constant...

You Are Your Clutter

On the surface, spaces get cluttered because things aren’t assigned a home; because people shop without a list or without thinking before they buy; can’t decide whether or not to keep something; keep things because they have a monetary or sentimental value attached to...

Counting Down To The New Year

We all know that the days are winding down fast and the new year is right in front of us.  At this point you might be thinking about things that you haven’t accomplished this year, wishing that you had done more and realizing that it’s time to get it...

Are You a Clutter Addict?

Those plagued by clutter continue to surround themselves with stuff to keep away some sort of pain.  The clutter allows those people to manipulate their feeling joy and they care more about that feeling that they associate with the things they acquire.  When...

Tame That Tiger!

When it comes to getting and staying organized one challenge is the #1 culprit, paper, also known as, the paper tiger.  This is true for both home and work environments.  If you’re challenged with clutter, look at the clutter to see what percentage of your clutter is...
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