5 Key Points For Creating Your Goals-Key #2

Key Point # 2-Your Goals Should be Based Upon Your Values My previous post gave you the first key to consider when you’re creating your goals. If you missed it, check out the previous post for the first key. Let’s dive right in for Key #2: After determining what they...

5 Key Points For Creating Your Goals-Key # 1

It’s really easy to know what you want but how to get there can be the tricky part and there are things that contribute to immediate failure that most people aren’t aware of.  There are 5 key points that you have to consider or look at when you’re thinking about the...

Vision First!

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” ~ Jonathan Swift This year is moving at the speed of light and I know that if you’ve watched it blow right on by, now you may be thinking that you could have gotten more done or having the “shoulda, coulda,...

Mid Year Check Up

I know that it seems like it was yesterday that you created your goals and mapping your way through the new territory of this year looking at what was possible for you in 2013. Now we’re approaching the midyear point (July 1st).  If you are a regular reader, you’ll...

Goals Check In-Where Are You At?

So, just yesterday you were creating your goals and mapping your way through the new territory of this year and now we’re headed toward the end of the first quarter. Time is moving faster than it ever did, which might make it seem a bit more challenging to keep up...

Aim Before You Fire

Everyone wants to be better for the New Year which is why everyone makes the resolutions for getting back to the gym, getting organized, quitting smoking, and the list goes on. But the truth of the matter is that so many people have false starts when it comes to...
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