One Way To Get More Done In Less Time

I know that you’ve probably had the experience of setting aside time to do things and found that somehow, it always takes the exact amount of time that you set aside to complete a task.  This is known as Parkinson’s Law. The amount of time that one has to...


Covey’s sixth habit is “Synergize”. Synergizing makes magic happen. There’s something to be said for working in collaboration with others, be it with your team or fellow business owners. When your mind is open enough to exploring new things,...

Seek First To Understand

Habit number 5 of highly effective people is Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. This calls for completely listening to another person’s concerns and not giving advice before you understand a person and their situation. Communication is key, more...

Think “Win/Win”

Think Win/Win is habit #4 of Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. With an attitude like this, everybody wins. Look at what’s before you and see mutually beneficially solutions to satisfy yourself and others. Operating from this perspective is...

First Things First

Habit number 3 from Stephen Covey is Put First Things First. This means shifting your focus to place it on your long-term goals instead of things that are more urgent and less important and prioritize the work related to them.  Putting first things first means...

Be Proactive

You’re probably familiar with Stephen Covey’s first habit, “Be Proactive”. Being proactive means taking responsibility for every aspect of your life.  As hard as that might be, it means being responsible for how everything looks right now,...
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