by Hawkins | Dec 22, 2014 | General, new year resolutions
Here we are with the end of the year at hand. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was planning the year, and now it’s up. There are a lot of people caught up in the hectic energy of the holiday season, and it’s really easy to get caught up in. Hawkins | Dec 30, 2012 | General, goals, new year resolutions
This is the time of year where people are making resolutions and it’s almost too easy to do. Some times people make resolutions just because they think they should make them, not because it’s something that they really take the time to think about or something Hawkins | Dec 21, 2012 | General, goals, new year resolutions
The New Year is upon us and even if you’re having regrets about how things look right now as far as what you wanted to accomplish this year, there’s still a way to finish the year strong. It definitely pays to plan ahead and then work the plan, but if that’s Hawkins | Dec 31, 2011 | General, Goal Setting, new year resolutions
This is the time of year when people look back and see things that they haven’t accomplished and know that there’s no time left in the year to get it done. You might be looking back and doing that very thing. You may have unfinished things on your plate because Hawkins | Nov 16, 2010 | General, Goal Setting, goals, new year resolutions, planning, Productivity, Resolutions
Turing your resolutions into goals is the first step in aiming before your fire. You can’t hit the mark if you don’t know where you’re going. You have to know how to take your resolutions and turn them into solid goals and how to develop a plan to carry them out. Hawkins | Nov 14, 2010 | General, Goal Setting, goals, Habits, new year resolutions, planning, Productivity, Resolutions
Everyone wants to be better for the New Year which is why everyone makes the resolutions for getting back to the gym, getting organized, quitting smoking, and the list goes on. But the truth of the matter is that so many people have false starts when it comes to...