With Clarity Comes Growth

First things first, you must have a clear vision before you can do anything else.  Without it, you’re stuck.  When your vision is clear everything starts rolling in the direction of what you want to create.  Everything is born out of your vision which is why...

When You Fail to Plan

You’ve heard it said before that “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.” It might be a popular old saying but there’s nothing but truth in it.  When you don’t map out a plan, you can’t expect to do anything but fall short of the mark, no matter how hard to try...

Fall Focus: Productivity & Planning

We all know that as Fall approaches the focus is on back to school and back to business. Parents take their lists and stand in line to get supplies for their children so that they’ll have everything that they need.  Going a step beyond that, they also get their homes...

Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan

First things first, you must have a clear vision before you can do anything else.  Without it, you’re spinning your wheels.  That vision gives you clarity.  Your vision starts everything rolling in the direction of what you want to create and everything else is born...

Vision–The First Step in Planning

Do you think about vision before you start to plan?  Before you do anything, you have to know where you want to go and have a very clear vision of that.  Now, when I say “vision”, of course, I mean picture, which translates into following a specific process to...

You’ve Set The S.M.A.R.T Goals Now What?

Welcome to stop #2 on the Productivity for Profits Summer Blog Tour and Giveaway! I am excited to be one of 7 productivity experts taking part in this one-of-a-kind event. This post is about goal setting as it relates to productivity. Most solopreneurs start their...
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