You Are Your Clutter and Your Clutter is You

This is a repost from earlier this year, but given the conversations that I’ve been having lately with people, I think it’s relevant. On the surface, spaces get cluttered because things aren’t assigned a home; because people shop without a list or without...

The Laws That Govern Time

Everything you are and that you will become is determined by the way you think, your perception of time and how you use it, so says Brian Tracy, and I concur.  So many people squander time without even giving it a second thought, paying it no attention whatsoever. ...

Keeping Things Up & Running

One reason most solopreneurs start their own business is because they want freedom and flexibility.  They want to be able to run the show and at the same time be able to take time off when they choose for fun and family.  This sounds ideal and it can be, but one big...

Beating Procrastination

April is Procrastination Awareness month, so this month I’ll be focusing on things that will help you beat procrastination. Procrastination can be a real problem and can have a big impact on your business and your life if it’s not remedied.  We all put...
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