Making Time

Time!  There never seems to be enough of it to get in all of the things we want or need to do. That’s the thought or conclusion on everyone’s mind. Well, here’s a news flash for you…YOU AREN’T GOING TO GET ANY MORE TIME! What you have is what you get.  That’s it; no...

Productivity Chat

[View the story “Productivity Chat” on Storify]Productivity ChatHighlights From March 3rd #ProductivitychatStorified by Sheila Hawkins· Mon, Mar 04 2013 09:55:14Question I posed earlier this week: How much time did you waste in email, looking for...

Handle Your Business!

As women, we each wear quite a number of hats—mother, wife, caregiver to name a few.  More and more, women are adding the role of business owner, more specifically, entrepreneur, to their lives.  Over 10 million businesses are owned by women; 1.9 million of them are...

Step Back and Breathe

Women are wearing the usual crazy number of hats, life is moving at the speed of light and people are caught up and nothing’s slowing down.  For many of those who are caught up, there’s always something to do and most times what they can only see is what...
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