When it comes to the many things that you have to do, your to-do list can get pretty crowded, making it difficult to get to the things that really matter. If you’re not organized and don’t have a time management system in place it can be even more difficult.

In the fast paced society that we’re operating in today it’s easy to forget about the things that we really want to do.  When it comes to time management, you not only need a system, but have to have processes within that system to keep things running smoothly.  Your to-do list is your map for the day so it has to give you good direction and be clear about what you’re doing for the day, so clutter is out.

Your to-do list can be just as cluttered as any space in your office or your home.  Look at your to-do list.  Do you see an excessive amount of tasks?  If so, how did they get there?  Did you just compile the list or did they come from your master task list which is related to the goals you want to accomplish?  If you’re just compiling a list from your head, chances are that the tasks you’re listing aren’t related to what’s important to you.

With this in mind, go through your to-do list and determine which items are directly related to the goals you want to accomplish or to your values.  Remove the things that aren’t related.  Next, look to see what items can be delegated and who you can pass them along to, get them onto a separate list and take the necessary steps to pass them along.

After you take these steps, look at what’s left and prioritize those tasks.  This process will help you declutter your to-do list and get you going.  The key to keeping your to-do list clutter free is to start from the ground up.  Create goals that are in line with your values and compose your master task list from the goals you create and prioritize the things on it.  The items that hit your to-do list are the smaller, bite sized pieces that help you accomplish the major things on your master task list. As they filter down, they already have a priority so you know exactly what your priorities are for any given day without having to stop and think about it.  Take the time to step back and create from the ground up and you’ll save yourself time and headache in the long run.

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