Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. Alan Lakein

Did you know that for every 1 minute of planning that you do you save yourself 4 precious minutes of your time?  It’s true!  Daily planning helps you to focus on what is important and weed out the not so important things so that your day can be more productive.

Before you begin each day, look at what you have before you and plan your day.  You can also do this at the end of the prior day.   Do what works for you, but make sure that you plan.  There might be things from the previous day that you decided to move because of something unexpected happening, so they didn’t get completed.  Take those tasks and move them to the current day or another where they fit and will still get accomplished on time.

Each week, look at the week ahead of you.  Look at your master task list and add the smaller tasks to get those items completed to your daily to-do list.  This can be done in less than 30 minutes and is well worth it.  It will have you on task and increase your productivity.   Just think, if you plan for 20 minutes, you’ll be saving yourself 80 minutes of your precious time.

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