Learning To Wield Time™

So many people struggle when it comes to getting everything done. Trying, painfully to manage their time and continue to struggle no matter what they try. They find solutions, but even if they work, they find themselves right back where they started. During this TeleClinic we're going to talk about that "business as usual" struggle, […]

Taking Back Your Power To Increase Productivity

Visionary Meetings 7805 Cooley Lake Rd Suite 300, West Bloomfield, MI, United States

Everything in life is about perspective. How you see things. That feeds your actions and how you operate every day. In many cases our perspective about particular things is what it is because it was what we learned, or what we picked up when we were young. Typically, people keep those views and operate from […]


Managing Time vs. Wielding Time™

When it becomes obvious that productivity is lacking, the quest is on to learn how to "manage time". But from my perspective, "managing time" looks a lot like a struggle. One that never ends. The dance that will have you hustling even harder. If you know me, you know that I don't do anything considered […]

How To Feed Your Productivity

Food can either help or hinder your productivity. Learn exactly how to feed your productivity. Learn how what you eat impacts you when it comes to getting things done.

Wielding Time Virtual Launch Party

If you're caught up in the every day to-dos of business and life and find yourself still not getting things done; having one crazy day after another or if non supportive habits like procrastination are plaguing you, my new book, Wielding Time is for you! Managing time is something many struggle with and this book has answers to your questions and solutions for your challenges. Some will be shared during this virtual launch party.

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