Wielding Time Virtual Launch Party

If you're caught up in the every day to-dos of business and life and find yourself still not getting things done; having one crazy day after another or if non supportive habits like procrastination are plaguing you, my new book, Wielding Time is for you! Managing time is something many struggle with and this book has answers to your questions and solutions for your challenges. Some will be shared during this virtual launch party.

A New Take On Time

  You're swamped. Hours and days go by and you make it through some things, but so many others remain undone. As time flies by, you're deeper in the hole and you know you want the madness to stop, but you don't know how. This is the first in my Productivity Is Personal Webinar Series […]

Top Notch Tools For Productivity

  This is Day 3 of my Productivity Is Personal Webinar Series and we're talking about your productivity tools. What you use, why it may not be working and how to choose something that will. We'll also talk about how to allow them to serve you and how scary life can look without them in […]

The Secret Sauce Of Systems

  I know...you hear the word "system" and you start to cringe. Well, you can stop cringing. You probably have that reaction because of what you think systems are, have to be or that they're difficult to create. It's not true! Let me show you the real deal when it comes to systems and teach […]

Taking It To The Max

  You've struggled to find the perfect tool that works. During my Productivity Is Personal Webinar Series I showed you how to choose one that's a perfect fit for you. Now I'm showing you how to max out your personal productivity tool by engaging all its features. Make your tools serve you like they were […]

How Does Personality Impact Productivity?

  Different aspects of your personality help you get through your TDL (to do list) and other aspects of it help create obstacles. I'll share how and give you examples of how and you'll also be able to see why you're challenged with certain things. The event will take place on the Third Eye Group […]

Your Simple & Sweet System For Getting Things Done

  If you're one of those people who lets the word "system" freak you out and shut things down, just don't. Systems don't have to be complicated or cumbersome. Let me break that big, intimidating word down for you into little pieces so you have an understanding of what they are, how they can serve […]

Taking Tools To The Max

  Once you do your homework and find the tool that fits you to see if it can do the job, of course want to put it to work. That means using all the features it affords you to max out your productivity. The tools you employ to help you on a daily basis need […]

Personality Productivity & Profits

  Work With Who You Are and Get 10x More Done Time is elusive and slippery. Intangible and it’s not even real. Society dictates how you deal with it daily and has you running in circles. Nothing's getting done. Productivity is personal. Who you are feeds and certain traits also impede your productivity, but you don’t […]

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