Time is our most precious resource and once we’ve spent it, it’s gone, so we have to manage well.  when you stop to think about it, we really can’t manage time, but we can mange ourselves.  To do so, you’ve got to have a tool to help you manage your time, one that fits what I call your time management personality.  If you don’t have a tool that fits that you’re using to the fullest extent, you are more likely to be frustrated with your time than productive.

In addition to the right tool, you’ve got to have a system for managing yourself when it comes to your time.  Your tool is part of the system, coupled with your master task list, daily to-do list, planning,  prioritizing and knowing how to say “no”.  All of these things and good habits have to come together into a solid foundation to support you in managing yourself around your time and being able to get it all done.

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