Yesterday I was given the gift of a book (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff) from Tara Michener, Founder of the Black Women In Business Brainstorm.  Great gift! The first chapter that I chose to read was “Set Aside Quite Time Every Day”.  In that chapter, Dr. Richard Carlson makes the point that we all need to get our own quiet time every day.

Carlson says, “I can’t think of a single person whom I would consider to be inwardly peaceful who doesn’t carve out at least a little quiet time, virtually every day…like spending time alone, it helps to balance the noise and confusion that infiltrate much of our day.”

No matter what we have on our plate, we have to get in our quiet time or it makes life a bit more hectic, not to mention stressful.  Along with the things that you place in your calendar during your regular planning, make sure to add some time for you as well as quiet time.  It can be morning meditation, time in the evening before turning in for the night, a walk by yourself early in the morning or late evening or what ever you choose.  The important thing is that you make it a part of every day.  It will contribute to your productivity.  It’s a small step that you can take to make a big difference in your life.

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