Turing your resolutions into goals is the first step in aiming before your fire.  You can’t hit the mark if you don’t know where you’re going.  You have to know how to take your resolutions and turn them into solid goals and how to develop a plan to carry them out.  Additionally, ask yourself what things you want to leave behind with the old year, and choose those things that you want to take into the New Year with you.  It might take some time to get clear, so take your time and make your lists.  Be conscious about what you are letting go of and what you are holding onto or creating to take along for the ride into the New Year.

Finally, ask yourself who it is that you have to be in order to accomplish the goals that you’ve set.  Most of the time people look at or tell themselves that when they get something, then they’re be able to do a particular thing in order to be where they want to be.  This is a backwards concept.  Really, we have to think about who we’re going to be (the characteristics and behaviors we have to exhibit), then think about what we have to do in order to have what we want.  So it’s be; do; have instead of have; do; be.

As you begin to think about the things that you resolve to do in the coming year, remember to aim before you fire.  Add the steps of turning those resolutions into goals, list what you’re leaving behind and what you’re taking with you and then determine who you have to be in order to carry out your plan.

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