Okay, people, half of the year is up. That’s right, it’s gone.  Never to return and with it goes all of the precious time that you wasted.  What have you accomplished so far? If you aren’t even close to where you expected to be or if you haven’t done much it’s probably because you’re fighting that losing battle with procrastination.

If you’re like most people, you have been challenged at some point when it comes to procrastination.  You may even be struggling with it on a regular basis, which we both know is not a good thing.  You might even want to take the next step toward something that you want or a goal, but have something inside that’s keeping you from it.

If procrastination is holding you and your goals hostage, it’s time to eliminate that nasty habit and move forward with not only the things that are on your daily to-do list, but to move forward in your business. You may be at a point where you’ve started to put off the doing the things that will get you to that next level that you desire so much.  Because of that you’re confused; wondering how, if you want that next level so badly for yourself and if you’re ready for it, why you continue to procrastinate and struggle.  You’re doing it silently, thinking that no one knows where you are in your head and your heart.

People struggle at this point because there’s something else going on inside; the procrastination is just the outcome of the internal stuff that’s going on.  Procrastination takes away your personal power and it takes control, leaving you in the back seat. You can’t really get results and reach your goals from the back seat, even if you created them along with a plan for achieving them.  Instead of struggling every day to beat procrastination, take a step back and start to look at what you’re putting off and what it’s costing you.  Make a list of the things that you’ve been putting off.  Then go back over the list and make a quick note about why you think you’ve been procrastinating on each item on the list.  This won’t be the real reason that you’re procrastinating, but beginning to think about why you might be putting it off starts the process to uncovering the root cause of your procrastination.

Next comes the scary part.  Look at the time that you’ve wasted because you’ve been procrastinating.  Then multiply that amount of time by your hourly rate.  So, if you’re a coach your hourly rate might be $150.  Multiply the number of hours that you’ve wasted by that rate.  See what I mean by scary?  If you were able to spend that time with clients, that money would be in your pocket.  You won’t be able to have that and more in your pocket until you break the habit of procrastination and, more importantly, what’s causing it.  To get back your personal power you’ve got to delve deep to get to the root cause of your procrastination.  Until you do, you’ll continue to pay the cost to put it off.

Just think about it. What would your life look like if you stopped procrastinating? How much more productive would you be? How much could you get done?  How would it feel? Wouldn’t it be great to get results?!!  What if you had a way to get the big picture of your procrastination and uncover the real reason that you procrastinate?  Well, there is a way for you to do just that and get back in the driver’s seat.  It’s called Procrastination Annihilation.  This program will take you through the steps to get that big picture view of your procrastination and then guide you through uncovering what’s going on beneath it all; the real reason for your procrastination so that you can eliminate it and be on the road to accomplishing your goals and making good use of the remaining half of the year.  The best part is that right now this 12 week program is deeply discounted by almost 70%.  All you have to do is click the following link to get it.  Don’t put it off.  The time is now! http://bit.ly/Nby1TJ

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