Most people have clutter of some sort, but for some, it’s more of an issue and seems to be something that just won’t go away. In cases like that, there’s something else running in the background. No matter how much paper or how much “stuff” you have, believe it or not, your clutter is all about you. You are your clutter and your clutter is you.
You can’t clear the clutter by focusing on your “stuff”. How many times have you eliminated that pile, the overflow in the closet or even cleared the clutter from an entire room only to have it come back to haunt you, making you feel as though you just can’t conquer the clutter? If this is the case and you’re looking for a solutions, click here to join a free call that will clue you in to what’s really going on.
I just found your blog, and it seems we are in sync!
Clutter is the result emotional attachments. I’ve been guilty of hanging on to things that no longer fit me due to the fact that I spent money on it once upon a time.
People hang on to items out of love or fear. They may love the item or the person who gave it to them. Or, they may hang onto the item “just in case” they may need it later.
All of this stems from people either hanging onto the past or anticipating the future. The more we practice being here NOW, the easier it will be to let go of those things from the past that no longer serve us.
Angela Berenstein
the Energy Budget: managing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy levels
So glad that you found my blog, ans yes, we are definitely in sync! Clutter has direct emotional attachments, as well as others. People hold onto things for a number of reasons. That’s the focus of my upcoming clutter workshop. I’ll be sure to visit your blog. Thanks again for stopping by!