Life is all about how we relate to the things and people around us.  Our friends and family, how we do business, everything is based upon relationships and those relationships impact everything.

The same is so when it comes to time.  Our relationship with time impacts everything.  Most of us aren’t really conscious of how we relate to time.  Do you squander it, or use it wisely?  How many times have you overlooked or not allotted time for that particular project, then found yourself scrambling to get it done by the deadline.  In that rush, other things get delayed, put off or forgotten along the way, each having its own impact on you and others.

That domino affect has a lasting impact.  Not only are other to-do items affected but your reputation may be as well.  To stop the dominoes from falling, stop and explore your relationship to time.  It’s as simple as looking at how your time is being spent by logging what you do for a week or so.  Where is your time going; are you spending it on what’s important to you?  Are you making time to plan or is your focus on rushing and putting out fires because of a lack of planning?  How do you view time?  Perhaps you think there’s never enough of it.  Next, look at your personal preferences around time.  All of these things help to reveal your relationship with time.

Once you know how you’re relating to time, you can set the stage for improving that relationship.  If you’re not spending time on the important things, then shift gears and your focus.  Remove the unimportant things from your to-do items.  Doing so won’t happen over night, but it is possible.  Then discover your time management personality by looking at your personal preferences and choose a time management tool that fits that personality.  Implement use of every feature the tool provides, set it up and use it in your regular planning along with other tools and habits to complete a solid time management system.

These simple steps will help you improve your relationship with time and impact your life in a positive way.

©2010 Sheila Hawkins

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