The start of the new year is most certainly a time to start fresh, to create new things, gain focus, shift gears and move forward.  You may or may not have started the new year thinking about what things are going to look like or what you want to do for the next 365 days.  You might even be feeling as though it came so fast and you didn’t have time to prepare for it.  Now that it’s here it’s time to get things moving, so don’t waste another moment if you haven’t already started your 2012 ball to rolling.

To help jump start the process, follow the steps below:

  • Make a list of things that you are letting go with the passing of the old year.  This means things, people and habits that don’t support you.  You can’t make room for the new or aspire to new heights while holding on to things from the past.
  • Declutter and organize your work space.  It’s hard to work in a cluttered, disorganized work space, so get rid of the clutter and organize what’s left in a way that makes sense for you and how you work.  A space that’s not organized will cost you not only time but money.
  • If you use a paper planner, purchase your new calendar/planner refills.  Get them in your binder and get busy with your plan.  Once you create your goals get the tasks to complete them into your schedule.
  • Don’t make resolutions, set goals.  Resolutions are a good place to start, but they don’t have staying power.  If you’ve created resolutions, morph them into S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound) goals and create your plan to reach each of them.
  • End procrastination.  If you’ve been procrastinating, do something that you’ve been putting off today.  If you can finish the task, do so.  If not, take at least one step toward getting it done and do something every day until it’s done.
  • Create you plan for the year.  What are you doing this year with and inside of your business?  How much money do you want to make this year and how are you going to get there?
  • Get the help that you need.  When you’re wearing all of the hats, sometimes it’s hard to delegate, but there comes a point when it’s necessary.  Determine the things that can be delegated to someone else so that you can focus on doing what you do best.
  • Get an accountability partner.  If you’re going to accomplish what you set out to do, you need someone to support you and to hold you accountable.  Enlist a friend or colleague that you can share accountability with.  If that doesn’t work, get a coach.  It’s well worth the investment.


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