WomanWithUpsidedownClockLet’s talk about that “thing” that keeps you from getting it done. If you’re like most people you don’t know what it is that keeps you from getting things done. You just know that you’re not getting the results that you want, which can be frustrating to say the very least. Before you can improve your productivity, you’ve got to know what the issue is.

If you’re struggling you already know what that feels like…working the extra time to get it all done, having what seems like too much on your plate and no room for you and rushing to satisfy and keep your clients. Facing your challenge first means identifying what it is that has you struggling. If something were ailing you physically, you would seek to determine what the problem was so that it could be remedied.

There are a lot of things that cause people to be challenged: procrastination, cluttered office space or disorganization, email overload and chasing those BSOs (Bright Shiny Objects) is a big problem for creative types, not that others don’t do it. Then there’s lack of focus, lack of proper tools and systems and non-supportive habits.

You have to look at your every-day work life to see what’s challenging you. You are caught up. Overloaded. You are caught up in the everyday to-dos of business and family, multiple overloaded inboxes, calendars and tasks on your to-do list.

This is what’s going on…You have multiple mobile devices— your laptop, smart phone and probably a tablet and other tools too. I do. I’ve got my BlackBerry, my tablet and my laptop. The multiple devices isn’t really the issue if they’re needed. The issue is the lack of management of them.

There’s social media, your piles of paper and cluttered work space. Add to that all of the things that you need to do and the places you need to be and yes, you’re caught up.

To identify the things that challenge you, just take a look at your behavior, which takes some effort because being human, we get caught up in routine things and ways of being. Start logging every minute of  your time. What you’re working on and your start and finish times. Log the times that you stop for a snack or for lunch or to take a break. Log the time that you spend on the phone and on social media. You even want to log the time that you spend socializing or chit chatting online or on the phone. Be sure to document all of it so that when you look back you have a clear picture with all of the details. You want something that will let you see exactly what you’re doing so that you can know what your oppressor is. If you’re going to get beyond what impedes you, you have to identify and acknowledge it so it can be faced and dealt with.


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