SunriseYou may not think it is, but it’s important and I’m going to show you just how important it is. Think about your morning routine. Are you jumping up out of bed in a rush trying to get showered, eat, get children ready and making haste the entire time or is your morning more calm and structured?

The first scene I described is not the way to function on a daily basis. The energy alone of that scenario makes for a stressful, unproductive day and that can lead to other undesirable things.

It’s all about approach and perspective. The way you start your day sets the tone for it. So if you’re in a rush, pushing to get things done, stressed and frustrated, that’s the energy you bring into your day. You welcome it with open arms and you don’t even know that you’re inviting it in. That’s the energy that you are allowing to be present while you do your thing. It just doesn’t work. Days that start like that, continue to move like that and they don’t stop. When they finally do, you’re absolutely drained, probably frustrated and, things have gotten in the way of you getting ‘er done. That’s why it’s so important to be conscious of how you start your day. Consciously create and set the tone for your day.

Bringing that conscious creation into your day means that you have to develop a morning ritual. What procedural or habitual things do you want to incorporate into your morning? Just to give you an example, my morning ritual starts pretty early. I start with a large glass of water to get my body systems moving and then I meditate and focus on the affirmations or other spiritual work that I’m doing at the time. Then it’s about getting in a good hard workout, having a good vegan breakfast and after that getting ready for my day. That’s the energy that sets the tone for my day so when I step into my office, I’m focused and I have the energy and capacity to deal with what’s on my plate in an orderly fashion. When I get to my office, I have a ritual that I get into before I start working on anything. It further sets the tone for my work day.

What you would change about your mornings? What things do you want to incorporate into your start of the day? Purposely create you morning ritual. There are a number of things that you can choose to do in the morning that will set a great tone and energy for your day. You just have to create it. It doesn’t have to be something that fits for someone else, but instead what fits and will work and support you.

If you want to talk about creating your morning ritual or for that matter your entire day, check this out.


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