Here we are on the brink of a new year.  People are scrambling to get things done for the holidays and starting to look forward to the New Year, thinking about what they want to accomplish in 2010.

Before you begin to think about what you want to create for the year, think about the things that you want to let go of and leave behind with the old year.  Before you can look forward, you have to look at where you are right now, so start by asking yourself “What’s working?”; What’s not working?” and then ask what do you have to do in order to make what’s not working work?

Some times we have to let go of things; bad habits, toxic environments and, yes, people; all of the things that keep us from moving forward.  Once you look at what’s not working, you can begin to see the things that you need to leave behind with the old year and make preparations to let it all go to give you the room to create all that you want in the New Year.  It creates the space for the new, positive things you want to enter your life.

If you’re curious about the process for creating your new year, join us for a special free call.  Get details here.

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