Yesterday I dropped my son off for a week away at camp.  Although this was time I scheduled for him to have some summer fun, I only scheduled a couple of things for the week so that I can have some down time.  I’m using the time to recharge and spend some time with friends and by myself.

We all do so much during the course of every day, and a lot of us go through those days without any down time or time for ourselves.  We put many things on our calendar, but don’t schedule the “me time”  in our calendars and it’s so important.  I see this a lot when it comes to women.  We have to remember that if we don’t take the time for ourselves and take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of other people and things.

The next time you do your weekly planning, ask yourself when you are going to put some time in for yourself, and then add it to your calendar and do it every time you plan.  This is a great habit to have.

How often are you scheduling your down time?

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