Yoga & SunsetHere we are with the end of the year at hand. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was planning the year, and now it’s up. There are a lot of people caught up in the hectic energy of the holiday season, and it’s really easy to get caught up in. When you do, it’s also easy to push things aside and let the year come to a close in an “unconscious” way. Not a very good way to close out the year.

You want to be aware as the year comes to a close and set clear intentions around it. If you’re caught up it may not be so easy to see how to go about things differently and bring your year to a powerful close. Here are 5 things you can do starting right now (or even after the new year begins) to be clear and intentional about ending the year.

  • Celebrate the goals that you accomplished and appreciate where you are right now, regardless of how you feel about how you did this year with your business goals and your personal life. No matter how bad you think things look, no matter how many times you find yourself saying “shoulda, woulda, coulda”, there is always much to be grateful for. Make note of all the lessons you learned. Accept where you are right now and know that where you are is where you’re supposed to be.
  •   Look at the goals that you set for this year and ask yourself what worked. Which things went as planned and how well did they turn out? Is there anything that you would have done differently?
  • Next, take a look at what didn’t work so well. Were you stopped when it came to a particular thing? What things did you struggle with and why? Look beyond the surface to see what things made it difficult. It may be that you didn’t have all of the resources required or maybe it was a personal block that required you to make some shifts that were hard to make. Dig deep.
  • Let go! Make a list of things that it’s time to let go of…habits that don’t support you, things that don’t serve your highest good and the people it’s necessary to part ways with. The same goes for the clutter in your work and home spaces. When your list is complete, start the process of letting go. Create new habits to serve you, ditch the clutter and say goodbye to the other things and people that you have to let go of.
  • Contemplate how you want next year to look and set your intentions. Don’t think about the goals you want to create just yet. Instead, think about how you want the year to look, the experience you want it to be and, more importantly how you want to feel in the coming year. Once you’ve determined that, set your intentions to powerfully close out your year. Then you can create your goals and take action.
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