When it comes to human behavior, people either look to gain pleasure or to avoid some sort of pain or something uncomfortable.  When it comes to procrastinators, the focus is on doing things that are more fun or pleasurable and simultaneously avoiding activities that they perceive to be painful in some way.  Do you find yourself doing this?  If so, how often do you find yourself resorting to something more pleasing versus the work that has to be done?

Click to listen to Audio 3 Human Behavior & Procrastination

Once you listen to this audio you’ll have another piece in the process of learning about why you procrastinate, but you can’t stop procrastinating until you get to its root cause; until you know why you’re doing it.  The “why” is the key to you being able to stop procrastinating for good.  The solutions that will help you stop procrastinating are in my Procrastination Annihilation™ program. If you’re ready to be stop procrastinating now, click the link to get started.


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