Productivity Chat

January 27, 2013

Storified by Sheila Hawkins· Tue, Feb 05 2013 17:36:30

Highlights from January 27th #productivitychat

#productivitychat is starting now. Join us as we talk about your #1 time waster and the remedy for it. Start next week powerfully & on taskSheila Hawkins
Today’s chat is to help you get solutions…especially for that #1 time waster of yours. #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
What’s your #1 time waster? #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
RT @ThirdEyeGrp: What’s your # 1 time waster and why do you think you have that challenge? #productivitychatLisa Orrell
hello everyone I hope I am not to late #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen Thanks for joining the chat! #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Take a look at your to-do list and calendar for this week and determine what’s not important and remove it #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp Thank you #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
What’s your # 1 time waster? #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
I use to work on a 12 month calendar now I am beginning to work on a 12 week calendar #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen Why did you make that change? #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
because I was waiting to get things done until the end of the year. #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
I want to see if I can get my goals completed in the 12 weeks. #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
I read a book by Brain Moran The 12 Week Year. Great Book about 60 pages #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen So that change has you wasting time? Is it that it’s taking some getting used to? #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp Yes it does. it does make me more aware of my time and if what I am doing is working towards my goals #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen Seems as though it has you focusing on what you’re doing and specifically focused on goals #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp True #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@ThirdEyeGrp Yes I have always been goal setting person, sometimes I get on the wrong track. This helps #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen Yes, there’s difference between goal setting and goal getting. Often people do get on wrong track #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@monewisdomwomen Were you projecting all of your goals for end of year completion no matter how long they would take? #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp Yes, the one I have set for this year. I am trying to keep focus on one or two goals, not 10 goals #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen Narrowing your focus works. More concentrated effort yields the results #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Most of a buisness owner years. I would work on three or four tough goals each year. Would get them done, was fustrated. #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
Decided to work smarter not harder #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen Yes! Smarter not harder is the way to go. Goals have to be created with a strategy in mind… #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
…narrowing the focus makes the effort more concentrated and yields better results #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp True that #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@ThirdEyeGrp Thank you for this chat #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure. Love talking to women Biz owners to see what challenges them w/time #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@monewisdomwomen I would imagine that once the 12 weeks is up, you can access and see what you’ll focus on later this year #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp Sure then you move to your next goal after completing that one or improve on that one. Depends #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen Sounds like it would work once you get beyond the learning curve. #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Especially since some people wait until the end of the year, or take the entire year to complete goals #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
I see that some don’t realize that you can have goals that don’t start at 1st of the year; can start at any time depending #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Usually happens when people will create goals without a strategy in mind. With strategy in play, timing is easy #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@monewisdomwomen I think your last tweet Q was incomplete?? You asked about ideas… #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp Yes I was asking what are some of your ideas for better productivity. #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen The biggest thing is only taking on things that are related to your goals. If not related; not important #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@monewisdomwomen Remove the unimportant things, delegate what you can to free up your time. #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Some chase BSOs (bright shiny objects) Instead get a notebook, write down ideas, then put them on your to-do list later… #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
This keeps you focused on the task at hand instead of chasing the BSOs and killing your productivity. #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Another productivity killer is procrastination. Surface remedies for procrastination don’t work; have to dig deep… #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Dig on deeper levels to find the REAL reason for procrastination, only then can it be eliminated for good #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
@ThirdEyeGrp that is it. Thank you #productivitychatAnita R. Johnson
@monewisdomwomen You’re welcome! Thanks so much for chatting. Appreciate you hanging out with me! #productivitychatSheila Hawkins
Procrastination Annihilation™ 12 week course-dig deep to get to the real reason you put things off #productivitychatSheila Hawkins

#productivitychat takes place on the first and third Sundays of each month. Catch the next one and address your productivity challenges!

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