If you read my previous post you’ll remember that I mentioned getting rid of things before my move as well as my master check list.  Those were just two things that helped me prepare for the move.

Someone recently said to me that one good thing about moving is that you get rid of all of the things that you don’t need or want, and that’s so true.  Before you pack anything, go through each and every room or space in your home and start purging.  Get rid of the things that no longer serve you because they aren’t being used, don’t fit, are broken, don’t work or because you simply don’t want them.

You might find it difficult to get rid of things that you aren’t using that you paid a lot of money for or that have sentimental value.  If you just can’t part with something that you spent a good deal of money on, then sell it online or have a garage sale.  For the things that have sentimental value, ask yourself why you really want to hold onto it.  I recently had a client who didn’t want to part with a sweater that she hand knitted some time ago.  Her way of parting with it was to gift it to her grand-daughter.  As you’re getting rid of things, determine which things won’t be a fit for your new space and give them away or sell them.

Once your purging is complete, you can begin packing, but before you do, create a master list that will show you what is in each box that you pack.  This way you’ll have an inventory of everything and you’ll know what’s in each box.  Have a separate section for each area that you pack (living room, dining room, kitchen, office, etc.)  Each line entry will have a box or bin number and a column for a description of what’s in each.  This list can be used for quick easy reference as you continue to pack and will be a great resource for you once you get to your new home.

Next you’ll want to create a list of things to do that includes dates that you’ll carry out the particular tasks.  This list is crucial.  It will help you stay on track and if it’s thorough, will keep you from missing a beat.  Remember, this is something that you’re going to be doing in addition to all of the other things that you normally do, so it’s more added to your plate.  You’re going to need all the support that you can get.

In my next post I’ll share tips on packing.

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