With Labor Day behind us, now is the time to sit down and map out a plan for the year ahead.  Sadly, only 3% of people actually do this, which explains why so many people get to the end of the year and look back to see that they haven’t accomplished what they wanted to.

Now is the time to look at what you want to see come to pass in the next year and make a clear decision to see it come to fruition.  So, what do you want to do?  Maybe you’d like to make more money or get in shape.  Whatever it is you want to be up to in 2012, you need a road map to get there.  Would you drive across country without directions and a map to get there?  Of course you wouldn’t.  It’s time to start mapping things out for your drive right now!

If you’re ready, to create your master plan, this quick check list will guide you through the steps to get moving:

  • Start by crystallizing and creating solid values-based, S.M.A.R.T. goals
  • Determine the resources you need to get from Point A to Point B
  • Create a road map for each of the goals you create that includes milestones/points of accomplishments along the way.
  • Decide how you’re going to make or celebrate each milestone
  • Once your plan is complete, break the process down into the smaller tasks it will take to accomplish each goal
  • Place the smaller tasks into your calendar to get the steps done
  • Create check points along the way to stop to evaluate and measure your progress and make adjustments to the plan if necessary

These steps will get you off to a great start.  Once you get it done, be sure to stick to the plan to keep it going.  If you’re challenged when it comes to planning, visit our website and take a look at P3: Power Planning Package to see if it’s a fit for you.  It’s available at a special discount through the month of September.


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