by Hawkins | Feb 24, 2013 | General, Goal Setting, goals
So, just yesterday you were creating your goals and mapping your way through the new territory of this year and now we’re headed toward the end of the first quarter. Time is moving faster than it ever did, which might make it seem a bit more challenging to keep up...
by Hawkins | Aug 27, 2012 | General, Productivity, Time Management
[View the story “Third Eye Group Productivity Chat” on Storify]
by Hawkins | Oct 30, 2011 | General, planning, Productivity, Time Management, Workplace productivity
After you create and prioritize your to-do list, it’s time to utilize it. since your list only has the important things on it, and it’s prioritized, you can easily move through your list based upon the priority of each item on it. Start with your top...
by Hawkins | Oct 2, 2011 | General, Productivity, Time Management, Workplace productivity
Being organized means more than just having an organized space that supports you. It means that your time is organized well too. A well organized space has a place for everything, everything in its easily retrievable place and systems that keep you on point and...
by Hawkins | Jul 31, 2011 | General, planning, Productivity, Time Management, Workplace productivity
In your endeavors to manage your time you may have already chosen a tool to help you manage your time and it didn’t work for you. You’re not by yourself; this happens all of the time. Years ago, a friend purchased the latest and greatest Palm Pilot and started to...