Clutter Connections

Clutter is one of the most common challenges that I see in my work with clients. Many have had the experience of dealing with clutter on a constant basis, and even getting rid of it only to have it return. It returns because you can’t clear clutter by dealing...

Know Your Productivity Oppressor

Let’s talk about that “thing” that keeps you from getting it done. If you’re like most people you don’t know what it is that keeps you from getting things done. You just know that you’re not getting the results that you want, which can be frustrating to say the...

Powerfully Closing Out Your Year

Here we are with the end of the year at hand. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was planning the year, and now it’s up. There are a lot of people caught up in the hectic energy of the holiday season, and it’s really easy to get caught up in. When...

Final Countdown To 2014

This will be the final show of 2013. It’s hard to believe that an entire year has gone by. Come join me as I close out the year with my final 2013 show. I’m going to help you get things tightened up to be ready for the new year. We’re going to talk...
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