Top Notch Tools For Productivity

  This is Day 3 of my Productivity Is Personal Webinar Series and we’re talking about your productivity tools. What you use, why it may not be working and how to choose something that will. We’ll also talk about how to allow them to serve you and how...

How Giving To Yourself Helps You Get Things Done

So many women, including business owners, give to everyone and everything else without even thinking of giving to themselves and it impacts you in ways you can’t imagine. You family, friends and business come first and you aren’t even on your own agenda....

Dissect, Clean Up and Fine-Tune Your To-Do List

The list of things to do is so long that it can be difficult getting to the things that really matter. You know what it’s like to have a long list and have more things that need to be added before you can cross off the tasks you already have. Things get jammed up...

Being In The Flow

I remember a conversation two friends had about me years ago that they shared with me. One of the things that was said during their conversation was that they had no idea how I managed to get everything done. At the time I was working 40-50 hours a week, going to...
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