How To Fuel Your Productivity

What you eat impacts the results you get with your to-do list. Being productive takes more than the right tools and supportive habits. This is one reason why my approach to helping people get things done is a holistic one. I look at things on all levels, one of them...

Wielding Time Virtual Launch Party

We kicked off the celebration of Wielding Time here in Detroit and in the time leading up to and after the event I had a number of people ask if I was going to do a virtual launch, so…I’m doing a virtual party. It wasn’t part of the plan, but...

How To Feed Your Productivity

Being productive takes more than the right tools and supportive habits. This is one reason why my approach to helping people get things done is a holistic one. I look at things on all levels, one of them being physical. That level encompasses more than having your...

A To-Do List & a Life That Works

There is always plenty to do. Many people keep those things in their head instead of actually making a list. That’s where they make the first mistake. The place that things on your daily agenda reside shouldn’t be your head. You’ve got to get it in writing, so make...

Spring Cleaning Your Calendar & To-Do List

Included in the non-supportive habits that I encounter with clients, is the habit of dumping things onto to-do lists and calendars. What happens is things come to mind that have to be done or added to your calendar and you cram them in without even thinking about...
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