Don’t Manage Time, Wield Time™

You may have heard me talk about wielding time if you’re a regular reader or a client. If you haven’t, let me start by saying that there’s a big difference between managing time and wielding it. Since you’re here I would imagine that you’re...

Managing Time vs. Wielding Time™

When it becomes obvious that productivity is lacking, the quest is on to learn how to “manage time”. But from my perspective, “managing time” looks a lot like a struggle. One that never ends. The dance that will have you hustling even harder....

Things You Don’t Know About Time

I’m going to talk about the things that you never knew about time. The things that no one ever told you. The things that keep you stuck and unproductive. Let’s start with the fact that no one ever told you anything about getting and staying organized or managing...

Taking Back Your Power To Increase Productivity

Everything in life is about perspective. How you see things. That feeds your actions and how you operate every day. In many cases our perspective about particular things is what it is because it was what we learned, or what we picked up when we were young. Typically,...

Your Productivity Tool Kit

There are many things that contribute to your overall success. When it comes to being productive there are some primary keys that you need in place to make it all happen. When people start their businesses, the one thing they don’t think about is the process and...
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