2015 Kick Off

This is the first radio show of 2015 and we’re going to start things by kicking off the year powerfully! Tune in to learn about getting your year off on the right foot, with intention and purpose. Let’s talk about what you’re creating for the coming...

Create Goals That Set You On Fire

I know that many of you are familiar with this scenario…you set your goals, you take off and you’re sprinting as fast as you can toward that goal. You’re pushing forward, taking long strides and push past the things that come up. You’re completely focused on where...

Finishing The Year Strong

The New Year is upon us and even if you’re having regrets about how things look right now as far as what you wanted to accomplish this year, there’s still a way to finish the year strong.   It definitely pays to plan ahead and then work the plan, but if that’s not...

With Clarity Comes Growth

First things first, you must have a clear vision before you can do anything else.  Without it, you’re stuck.  When your vision is clear everything starts rolling in the direction of what you want to create.  Everything is born out of your vision which is why...

The Power of Clarity

When it comes to goals, we don’t always have a vividly clear picture of what we want or where we’re going, which can keep them from accomplishing things.  When you can picture exactly what you want, the goal is more attainable. Clarity accounts for about...
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