The Procrastination Tree

Every year people put bulbs in the ground during the fall and the following spring, flowers appear.  People plant seeds to grow their own food and have fresh vegetables all summer long.  When we plant seeds, they of course yield or produce something.  Usually we get...

Beating Procrastination

April is Procrastination Awareness month, so this month I’ll be focusing on things that will help you beat procrastination. Procrastination can be a real problem and can have a big impact on your business and your life if it’s not remedied.  We all put...

The Thief of Time

If you know me or know how I work, you know that I believe that when it comes to time management, it’s personal.  When it comes to managing your time, you have to consider how your personality plays into or contributes to it.  When it comes to procrastination, the...

Twitter Productivity Chat

[View the story “Productivity Chat” on Storify]Productivity ChatSeptember 9, 2012 Highlights & Key PointsStorified by Sheila Hawkins · Mon, Sep 10 2012 14:40:33Welcome to #productivitychat! Let’s get started. You’re going to get tips...

Are You a Procrastinator?

So, we all know what procrastination is.   The word itself is of Latin origin from the word crastinus meaning “of tomorrow”.  Procrastinators are in favor of castinating, or putting off until tomorrow, believing that there is time to do particular things tomorrow,...
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