The Role of Personality in Productivity

If you’ve been around for even just a short time, you know that I have a totally different approach when in come to time. I operate from that point in everything that I do. For years I have seen that personality plays a direct role in effective productivity. You...

Make Monday Productive: Make Great Connections

We all know that doing business is all about relationships. Too often I’ve seen people try to sell a product or service without even the smallest attempt at creating a relationship first. It’s simple, people do business with those they know, like and...

First Quarter Finish Line Teleconference

The first quarter of the year is over. How did you place? If you didn’t cross that line so strong, this free Teleconference will help you look at where you are and where you want to be and show you how to regroup, refocus and recommit so that you can get a jump...

Becoming A Task Master

Got a long to-do list and wondering where to start? How do so many things end up on your list, where do they come from and how do you get it all done? Life moves so fast and you continually add things to your plate without even thinking. There are things that you miss...

Productivity Chat

[View the story “Productivity Chat” on Storify]Productivity ChatHighlights From March 3rd #ProductivitychatStorified by Sheila Hawkins· Mon, Mar 04 2013 09:55:14Question I posed earlier this week: How much time did you waste in email, looking for...
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