A New Take On Time

  You’re swamped. Hours and days go by and you make it through some things, but so many others remain undone. As time flies by, you’re deeper in the hole and you know you want the madness to stop, but you don’t know how. This is the first in my...

5 Ways Entrepreneurs Waste Time

Time is our most precious resource and honestly, you cannot afford to waste it. You aren’t going to get any more time during the course of each day, so it’s up to you to maximize what you have and manage yourself well around it. I’m sure there are a...

Be At The Top Of Your To-Do List and Still Get Things Done

If you’re like most women, you’re so caught up in your days fighting against time to get things done that there’s no space for you. You probably think that there’s absolutely no way whatsoever that you can actually get in the time to yourself...

Zen Day: Designing Your Ideally Productive Day

If you’re like most women, you’re so caught up in your days fighting against time to get things done that there’s no space for you. Look at your agenda for the day and ask yourself what’s not there that you’ve been dying to see there? Me...

I Want My Hour Back!

Today Daylight Saving Time started and the first thing I remember saying to myself this morning is, “I want my hour back.” I wanted back the hour that was snatched from me. That hour of peace and quiet for my Sunday. Then I heard my own voice in my head...
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